Accessories: I love functional, but pretty is nice too

Two days ago, my 20 pound sadiron and 16 pound old electric pressing iron arrived in the mail! I must say that I’m pleased with both of these items that I bought off of Ebay.

American Beauty Iron and Sad Iron
American Beauty Iron and Sad Iron

Just look at them! These are solid metal irons,  there’s nothing fancy about them. The one on the left weights 20 pounds and other, the American Beauty iron is 16. Of course, I already gave them a test drive and I must say that I like them a lot. I will be honest and say that I’ll have to get used to the added weight and that’s fine. I’m thrilled to have them.

Below, you’ll see my newest seam ripper. I’m loving its simple elegance.

Brass Seam Ripper_1 11.20.14
Brass Seam Ripper

Not only is it gorgeous, but it’s sharp. So… it’s functional also.

Brass Seam Ripper_2 11.20.14
Brass Seam Ripper

You can’t go wrong with having extra seam rippers. Because of their size they can easily be misplaced, but the good news is that I’m not misplacing them anymore. The fix was simple, just put them back into their designated spot immediately after use!