Sublimating Siser HTV white glitter on a black shirt

It’s here! My table arrived a day early, and I had an unexpected day off work. I had no idea I was off work until I logged onto my work computer and saw the schedule. Since I had some paperwork that I wanted to complete, I completed the work assignment and logged off after two hours, and after that, I just rested. The past several weeks have been so busy, and I know my body needed the rest, so I listened and rested.

About ten minutes ago, I finished reapplying Siser (pronounced Ceasar) white glitter HTV to the black long sleeve shirt I’d sublimated last week; I then reapplied the Set it Off design. I used my Cricut EasyPress 2 as my “heat press.” I must say it did a great job. Why did I reapply the design? I washed the shirt and forgot to turn the shirt inside out. Guess what? Most of the shirt design’s ink was washed out with the first wash. Hmm, not great. Silhouette made the printable HTV I’d used. I’m not going to give up on the Silhouette. Next time I print on the Silhouette printable HTV, I” be sure to turn it inside out when washing.

But back to the Sublimation on HTV white glitter. The above photo shows the A-Sub paper after pressing it onto the black long sleeve shirt.


Mistakes with this Siser white glitter HTV

I see a bit of ghosting near the girls’ pigtails; however, that’s my fault; I did not prep the shirt before applying the design. In addition, the recently Set It Off that I printed was slightly smaller than the original. Since I measured the glitter against the background already on the shirt, it’s a tad smaller. I noticed this before applying the Siser HTV white glitter; however, I used it anyway since I will add something else to that area.

I still haven’t unpacked the table. Who knows, it might wait until I’m off of work. I’m off Thursday and Friday of this week and the following Monday.



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