Shortly after I published yesterday’s post, I hit the sweet spot (again) and was spinning! Yes… my yarn was uneven, but I was spinning.
The added wool roving was ‘grabbing’ and actually being spun into yarn. Hooray! Today? Heh… regardless of what I did, my wool roving was being overspun before it entered the orifice. I fiddled around with the tension. Nope, nada, zero, zilch… I’m still getting coily corkscrews before the wool is wound around my bobbin. I’m making yarn, but corkscrew, coily yarn that refuses to be fed in the orifice properly. I attempted (off and on) for about an hour to correct the issue, but afterwards, I decided to take a break, revisit a few of my purchased online spinning wheel video classes and tackle it tomorrow.
Until that time, I’m consoling myself with the yarn from yesterday. It’s far from perfect, lots of lumps initially, but when I figured it out, you can see the evidence on the right side, I was spinning yarn! Tomorrow is another day. I’ll pick myself up and… try again! ☺️