I dreamed about spinning…

Last night, I dreamed about spinning.

In fact, I went a step further and added a baby lamb to my dream, who happened to be named Bella.

Knitted Scarf and Bella_1 11.18.15Bella is the name of our BichPoo.

Bella the lamb lived in our house and just like our dog, she was very playful, but boy did she have a stubborn streak! Just like our dog that bears the same name! Now that I think about it, Bella the dog was missing from that dream. I remember saying, while dreaming, that “we have a dog named Bella!” Dreams can be odd! Is it wrong that in that dream, I was already coveting Bella’s wool? There was nothing to shear since I had to wait for its hair to grow.


A “spinning dream” Doesn’t surprise me at all. Have you seen my recent posts? Be thankful you don’t get to hear me talking about spinning or see my ever growing stash of handspun yarn! Guess what? This is not the first dream I’ve had about spinning. Last week, I had my first spinning dream. My boyfriend made an appearance, broke one treadle (claimed he could fix it) and broke the other! Oh, the horror!

Since taking my spinning class, I only missed one day of spinning. That was last Saturday. My daughter had a party in Deleware to attend from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. We live in Maryland. I had a banquet to attend at 6:00 p.m. That was located in Maryland, 1.5 hours away from where I live in the same state. Yeah…  😝

Each day that I spin, I make improvements and yesterday I added a few “firsts”.

  1. Blending several fibers to create my own blend
  2. Making my first two-ply yarn

4 thoughts to “I dreamed about spinning…”

  1. Now you know you really you’ve crossed over to the dark side if you’re dreaming about spinning. 😀


    ThreadLover Reply:

    I know, right? I find it as relaxing as knitting! My poor knitting has taken a backseat while I get comfortable with spinning. That’s no surprise, I tend to do that when learning a new craft. I devote all my creative energy into that until I’m comfortable. ☺️


  2. So often the last thing I think of before drifting off to sleep is knitting (usually because I have just tucked my knitting away for the night). And the first thing I think when I awake (other than how much I love my sleeping child) is a new knitting idea. Yarn. On. The. Brain.

    Worse things.


    ThreadLover Reply:

    Very true. It did tickle me. I have dreamed about knitting, sewing and weaving… but never crochet even though I do that also. I just don’t like it as much.


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