Embroidered medicine bag…

This machine embroidered bag was a fun project to create.

Last evening, I could not come up with the proper name for it, but earlier today, while I was hand stitching the opening, I realized that I could call it a medicine bag. No… not the mainstream medicine, but natural medicine. This tiny bag, makes the perfect compartment for storing small amount of dried herbs from our garden to keep or that could be gifted to a loved one. Additionally, the bag would also  be a great place to tuck in some heirloom seeds. However, this bag is being used as a place to store my daughters iPad charger and ear plugs. Yes, she claimed it! No worries, I’ll be making another just for me.

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Embroidered Medicine bag- Water soluble stablizer is still covering the design

Inspired by the fallen leaves of autumn, I added the colors I see around the house to some of the leaves on the embroidered design. There is still some work to be completed on the above bag. For example, the white twill tape is temporary. I used it because it was the only thing I had on hand. It’ll be darker. In the next few days, I’ll be purchasing dark brown, green or orange ribbon. Additionally, I’ll put a metal clamp at the front of the closure also.

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Self lining

As I mentioned in an earlier post, this bag was lined with the same fabric. The cotton is very tightly woven. In fact, one of my serger needles broke when I was going through about eight layers of thickness.

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Embroidered Medicine bag


The opening was hand stitched with some of my machine embroidery thread. I double-knotted the thread and closed the raw edges using the buttonhole stitch.

I’ve already posted this tutorial on how to make the buttonhole stitch, but it’s so good, it deserves a repost.


Urban Threads – Tree Goddess

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