Earlier this morning, I took a photo of most of the handspun yarn that I’ve created thus far.
Actually, I need a larger basket for my handspun yarn. I stuffed most of my yarn into this wicker basket.
It’s interesting to see how I’ve progressed on a daily basis. The mustard colored yarn was some of the yarn I made after my private two-hour spinning lesson. The fiber was different and it took a little bit for me to adjust as is shown with the tightly coiled sections; however, afterwards I spun the multicolored yarn with hardly any issues.
Just look at that basket of yarn. I’m literally beaming, even with all it’s flaws. I can’t help but think… I made this!
I have no idea what I’ll make with my yarn, but even with the imperfections my skeins of handspun yarn is proudly displayed in my basket. God tells us to be thankful in all things. This handspun yarn is a wonderful reminder that despite the mistakes, how much I love what I’ve prepared… just like God loves his children, despite our weaknesses.
The past few days, I hit a snag, I was feeding a lot of underspun yarn through my spinning wheels orifice. However, I was determined not to be defeated. Early this morning (around 2:30 a.m.) I finally figured out the issue. I needed to adjust the tension spring. I’d tried that before, but still was struggling; however this time was the charm. Perhaps the early morning spinning was helpful? 😆😜I was spinning yarn again.
I’m literally exhausted. Thankfully I work from home, my clients work are complete. I was up early ( even for me) so I made the most of my time and finished all of their projects. My daughter is at her Lutheran school and so I think I’ll try to take an hour nap. This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad.
Beautiful sight!!! You’re doing so well and I’m so happy to hear how much you enjoy spinning!
ThreadLover Reply:
March 13th, 2016 at 7:03 am
Thanks, I’m really enjoying spinning. I figured I would, finding the time to learn was the main issue. I now have that time.
Where do you get your wool or roving? Have you ever spun rabbit roving. I have been a little interested in spinning but I do not want to keep sheep. Rabbits are smaller.
ThreadLover Reply:
March 30th, 2016 at 10:18 am
I’d responded to this before, unfortunately a few of my posts and some of my comments were erased. That was about 1.5 weeks ago. Let’s see, I spurchase some of my fiber from a local yarn shop. CloverHill Yarn shop, Ebay and Etsy. Angora rabbits, seem to be the rabbits favored for spinning; however, from what I’ve read and heard, it can be challenging to new spinners. Last week, I purchased some angora fiber on Ebay. Since I’m stubborn I plan to spin with some of it later this week.